This guide aims to walk you through managing environments via the UI. To follow along, please log into your account at Alternatively, you may create and manage environments via the API.
An environment allows you to separate your payment information into distinct groups. Note that all environments in your paid Spreedly accounts have the capability to make production transactions - there are no test-only environments.
Environments are distinct and should be used to isolate separate payment functions. You cannot use a payment method stored in environment “A” in a purchase against a gateway from environment “B,” for example.
Jump to:
- Adding a new environment
- Manage an existing environment
- Delete an environment
- Creating and updating environments via the API
- Best practices for environment configuration
Adding a new environment
You can add as many environments as you like to your Spreedly account.
To create a new environment, visit and click on the "Environments" tab. Below your existing environments, click on "New Environment":
Clicking on "New Environment" directs you to a new page where you can name your new environment, and choose the type of payment data it will handle (don't worry - you can always change this later). If you aren't sure which type is right for you, check out the documentation linked in the description:
Clicking "Create Environment" will complete the process.
Manage an existing environment
You are able to make changes to any of your environments. From the Environments tab on , find the environment you want to manage and select "Configure":
From here, you can edit your environment name, change the way it can accept payment information, view access secrets and create a new signing secret for your environment:
Delete an environment
At this time, environments cannot be deleted, either by you or by Spreedly. We recommend that users wishing to abandon an environment redact all associated payment methods, gateways, and receivers, and rename the environment to denote it's no longer being used.
Creating and updating environments via the API
You may also create new environments via the API as well as manage and update existing environments. Please refer to our API documentation for more details.
Best practices for environment configuration
Customers generally set up their Spreedly account in one of two ways:
- One production environment with multiple gateways
There are