Spreedly Insights has moved to the dashboard. Insights in Dashboard is the same feature that you know and love from our previous releases - now it's just easier to find.
For more information on using Insights, check out our blog release here. Insights also has been expanded to include new sections around Succeeded, Failed and 3DS2 that a user can now use to get a deeper level of understanding on payment performance. For more information, please see the dashboard guide.
Not seeing any graphs? Users that only have test transactions will not see graphs or transaction information here, as Insights is only pulling from your production history.
Drill down on your recent transaction history
Need to know why a transaction failed? Debugging transactions from your browser has never been easier. Navigate to the Transactions tab in your Dashboard to access a list of your most recent transactions.
By default, you will view all transactions across your environments. To drill down to one specific environment, select it from the drop-down menu to filter:
Clicking on any transaction will pull up information relevant for debugging - e.g. whether or not the transaction was successful, and what error/success message is associated with it.
You can also look up any transaction token you have on hand through the "Look Up" feature at the top of the screen:
When viewing a specific transaction, at the bottom of the screen, you can tab between the transcript (communication between Spreedly and a payment gateway - not available for Spreedly-only transactions such as adding/redacting payment methods) and the JSON response body (Spreedly's response back to you after a transaction is completed).
Note: You can lookup test transactions in this section, but they will not appear in Insights or under Gateways.
Check out our guide on troubleshooting for more helpful information on examining your transactions. Or contact Customer Support if you need technical support.